Sunday, February 25, 2007

Order & Chaos

The darkness of centuries is dispersed as soon as a light is brought into a room. The accumulated sins of countless lives vanish by a single glance of God. Sri Ramakrishna
Though man has language as a potent means of expression, and he has the intellect also to argue his case and to convince others, yet man ultimately uses the ways of the animals who... do not have language and reason as their means to seek justice... So, the lesson i learn from history, is that man does not learn lesson from history. Raja Yogi B K Jagdish Chander
Sometimes i wonder why the sky is blue, How the sun comes every morn shining through... The answer gradually comes to my mind. It certainly was easy, not hard to find. He wants to show, how deep his love is, And for all to enjoy these moments of bliss Ruchi Goyal. Class XII
Have a place for everything and keep the things somewhere else. This is not advice, it is merely custom. Mark Twain
Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit. Henry Adams

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